In this series we will look at the Arrow SoCkit, which is a development board from Arrow with a Cyclone V SoC. The SoC contains an FPGA and a ARM Cortex-A9 CPU. The ARM CPU is often refered to as the hard processor system or HPS. For more information about the board see RocketBoards. We will go through installing the design software, compiling the FPGA bitstream, compiling the bootloader U-boot, compiling GNU/Linux for the HPS, booting GNU/Linux and loading the FPGA bitstream.

Before we start doing any design we will have a look at the design software we are going to use.

Design software.

Here we look at how to compile the bitstream for the FPGA, load it using the USB-Blaster and turn on and off some LEDs.

Compiling FPGA.

In this post we will compile the bootloader, put it onto a SD card and boot into U-Boot.
