Knitted Tux

My mother asked me what kind of sweater I would like her to knit for my son. After some thinking I decided I wanted him to have Tux on his sweater. I found a picture of tux, reduced the resolution to how many masks would fit on the sweater and did some manual correction of pixel colours. I also wanted the picture to have a grid and numbered ticks. This is not something the normal print dialog offers to do for you, but it can easily be done in Python using Matplotlib.
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Common Mode Choke

Common mode choke Recently I assembled a Common mode choke from HFkits to use with my vertical antenna that, due to space restrictions, do not have radials as counterpoise. This common mode choke should cover the HF band from 3MHz to 30MHz. A common mode choke should prevent the outer conductor from radiate. And it may prevent noise picked up from the outer conductor to reach the radio. This is how the kit after I opened the package.
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