
Recently I build a new set of loadspeakers called Bragi. I did not design them they are availabla as a DIY kit from Seas. Or directly from my home page. Bragi. I wanted a set of loadspeakers with litte variations in the impedance curve to use with my transformer coupled amplifier . Bragi fulfileld this criteria quite nice. I did not have 19mm plywood available, but I had 21mm. I therefore made some small changes to the box as can be seen in my modified drawing below.
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Center Speaker

To complete my 5.1 loudspeaker system I designed and built a center loudspeaker. To make it easier to place the loudspeaker I designed it relativly small using two 4 inch bass-midrange elements and a tweeter. A bigger loudspeaker was not needed since my subwoofer and main front speakers can handle the low frequencies. My center loudspeaker The loudspeaker elements I tried to find as similar elements to my other loudspeakers as possible.
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Active Subwoofer

This is my third loudspeaker design. I wanted a subwoofer to extend the low frequency response. I am not going to play very loud nor I do not want a big box, therefor I built a relatively small subwoofer using a 10″ element. My subwofer The loudspeaker element Peerless Resolution 10 is an element witch fits well into a reasonable box. I will not go into details about how I assembled the subwoofer here.
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Rear Speakers

This is the second loudspeakers I have designed and built. They are a smaller equivalent of my front speakers. I am using them as my rear speakers. The box and filters are designed the same way the front speakers was designed. Therefor I will not cover the design in details here, but I will cover the assembling. One of the loudspeakers Loudspeaker elements Since this is a two way system I had to find a tweeter and a bass-midrange to cover the whole frequency range of the loudspeaker.
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Front Speakers

This is the first loudspeakers I have designed and made. One of the loudspeakers The loudspeaker elements Since this is a two way system I had to find a tweeter and a bass-midrange speaker to cover the whole frequency range of the speaker. I decided to use the tweeter Seas H1189 27TDFC and the bass-midrange Peerless CSX 176 H. Box Calculations I have calculated the box after the formulas given in Høyttalerbok.
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