I got my amateur radio license in 2017. My call sign is LB8NH. If you have not have contact with me it is because I have not been a very active amateur. In 2018 I bought a Kenwood TS820 on a junk auction. The transceiver worked when I fist tested it but after a few days it started to go inn and out. For a long time it was just collecting dust on my bench as I was to busy with other things. Becoming a father for the fist time to mention one thing. Highly recomended, but time consuming. Eventually I decided I wanted to make it work so I could use it this summer. Luckily full schematics and good documentation are available. I traced the error to missing VFO and VCO, but I could not find the cause. A fellow amateur suggested that I clean all the internal connectors with cleaning spray for electronics. After I cleaned the contacts the transceiver came alive again and has been working stable ever since. Unfortunately it is rarely I find time to use it. At my home there is to much noise so I set up QTH at my family estate, which I only visits during vacations. The estate is remote so the noise levels are low. Here are som pictures of the QTH, the antenna and the shack.

Antenna as seen from the outside.
The shack.
Kenwood TS-820.
Antenna as seen from the shack.
Antenna as seen from the outside.